Hello -
I hope you're having a wonderful summer!
Here's a quick update:
We've just completed Jake's newest album (I did the cover, plus myriad other things), and are in the process of distributing rewards to all of the fabulous folks who participated in our first foray into the world of crowdfunding! It was such a great experience to have the support of so many wonderful people from around the world, so it certainly won't be our last!
On the shiatsu side of things I'm working on a new site, and will post the link as soon as it's ready. I'm also planning a return to school to enhance my knowledge and toolkit GREATLY - more on that as things move forward. :)
You can drop me a line at fantasticshiatsu@gmail.com to find out about specials.


I hope this finds you well and happy, and that you have had the opportunity to enjoy the best of all autumn has to offer! This note is to let you know that I'm offering a Christmas Special for shiatsu Gift Certificates. Use them for yourself, someone you appreciate, or mix it up!
From 15 November until the last day of 2010, you'll be able to get a 60 minute treatment for $68, and a package of 3 for $190! Certificates are valid until June 30th, 2011.
This is the first chance I've had to offer a special since moving to my new location. I hope you'll be able to take advantage!
Please feel free to drop me a line at anneliese.seeliger@gmail.com...

Very best wishes,

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single one,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.

First - a quick update!

2009 was a year packed full of transition for so many - me included! We moved into our new little house (a greatly protracted adventure), Jake completed and launched his latest album, Quicksand, and less than two weeks later, we got married!
The new treatment room - in the new house - is lovely - the nicest I've ever had. Spring is here, and my beautiful gardens are just beginning to stir.
Now, I'm looking forward to a slightly less 'interesting' year, and enjoying my many blessings - including the time to write something here!


I have experienced chronic neck and back pain ever since I was in a serious car accident. Over the years I have tried many forms of treatment including pain killers, acupuncture, chiropractic, physiotherapy and anything else that I thought would help. The shiatsu treatments I have received from Anneliese have given me more relief than any of the other treatments. I highly recommend her.


Hi Anneliese,
I just wanted to say that Thursday (the day after my treatment) was the first day in over a week that I was able to go without any pain medicine. By Friday, the pain was like a bad dream.
Thanks, you're a miracle worker! I don't know what I'd do without you.



Anneliese created an incredibly nurturing space. For this one hour, I could ease my grip on my professional, personal, and physical stresses. Here, someone would care for me ... with skill, confidence, and attentiveness.
Within a month, the relapse into the eating disorder was over. Within two months, my menstrual cycle was reset and regular.
I'm sure I would've recovered - eventually - without Anneliese's help. But that 'eventually' would've been far longer and far lonelier, with far more repercussions for both my kids and my career.

Balanced and Rewired

...I have been treated by her for several years now and I have recommended her services to over a dozen people who are now all regular clients.
I have been to many other shiatsu practitioners and can say without any hesitation that Anneliese is the best I have ever been treated by. ... Incredibly intuitive, highly skilled, an attentive listener, a compassionate and caring heart ... she always goes beyond the call of duty and I leave after each visit feeling completely balanced and rewired, with a new body, ready to take on the world once again!!!
Anneliese is a genuine and authentic healer and I recommend her services to anyone in need of exquisite body work.
S. Snow

Relaxing and Insightful

I have always found my shiatsu treatments with Anneliese relaxing and insightful, both on a physical and emotional level. The treatments have always been very effective for a multitude of ailments and have helped me keep on the track of having a well body and mind.
A. Smith

Peaceful, Sincere

Every visit is like a mini-retreat. The naturally lit space, the room set away from the street, the quiet ... all serve to immediately lower the blood pressure and to relax the body.
Calm, soft-spoken, gentle, welcoming, you have a beautiful and peaceful way of engaging people. You respond respectfully and fully to questions and concerns, and are generous with your time and yourself.
My body always feels fully ministered to... fully acknowledged and loved, and receives stretching and treatment that no mere finger massage could give. You always hold the space in a meditative way, whispering... moving deftly, quietly.
Whenever I come to see you, I get the benefit of time spent in a peaceful place, with a peaceful person who offers a sincere and smiling welcome and deeply healing treatment. What more could I ask for in a shiatsu session?


... I had the most amazing sleep on Saturday night!